Survivor stories


The woman in this story is a very typical Chinese woman: short black hair that perfectly suits a middle aged female, black eyes that reflect a loving mother’s character, yellow skin that shows how cruel the passage of time can be, and a mouth that speaks not much English. Although she seems to be ordinary, she is so special to me, and her ageless beauty is definitely extraordinary in my eyes. This woman is the most important person in my life, my dearest mother.

My mother used to have a good career in China. She worked as a biologist. When I was in the eighth grade, my parents decided to immigrate to Canada, because they believed their daughter would receive a better education in a free country. Therefore, without thinking of the consequences, they left behind their aged parents, beloved careers, and everything else in the motherland where they had lived for forty years, and bravely entered a new country that was unpredictable and full of strangers. There were no thoughts of turning back.